System Design and Planning Services

4G/5G/RAN Planning and Design

Network Planning includes traffic forecasting and capacity planning to balance network investments and network performance.

The services can also help the Operator to develop network strategies and action plans that will achieve business goals and provide input to subsequent design and integration of the network.

The Operators' unique situation will be the guideline in packaging the relevant and beneficial service modules to meet operators present needs.

Radio Access Network Planning services include RF Planning & Design, Installation, Commissioning & Integration, Optimization & Performance Improvement.

RF Planning and Design Services

Eskare provides complete network design services for all major wireless technologies. We understand the art of Radio Frequency design. Our team has mastered reuse, propagation, reflection, signal to noise, and protocols through the RAN system deployment and optimization. Whether the customer is defining their coverage, expanding capacity, or overlaying technologies, Eskare can provide assistance through implementation.

Today’s DAS design should meet performance standards demanded by the participating wireless providers and building owners. Eskare understands how to integrate a vendor’s equipment to meet a wider range of frequency bands and higher power outputs to address advanced standards.

Eskare’s experience ensures that RAN network elements are optimally configured to deliver peak quality of service and efficient use of all cells. We maximize service connectivity, revenues and customer satisfaction while minimizing RAN OpEx.

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Our Services Include:

We provide multi-technology and upcoming 5G network installation, commissioning and integration services for both Radio Access Networks (RAN) and core network elements, ranging from indoor small cells to outdoor greenfield networks. With decades of experience creating RAN solutions, we skillfully install all necessary base stations, antennas, and radio controllers.

  • Packet Core Network Integration & Optimization & Design
  • EPC Signalling & VoLTE Troubleshooting
  • TCP Tuning & Optimization
  • CNF-VNF deployment
  • Testing and certification

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